Serve the City.

We're making a big difference together.

We believe that serving others is one of the marks of being a follower of Jesus. That is why we go to great lengths to provide opportunities to love and serve people in our own backyard and around the world.

Join us and be a part of bringing transformation to our city and around the world.

Provide Hope.

Where it all started.

When Pastor Jeff was just a teen, his mom and Co-Founder of The Rock Church, Linda Knight, knew a widow on Trombley Road just outside of the city limits of Monroe.  Every Thanksgiving she would shop for all the "Turkey Dinner" supplies and Jeff and her would knock on the door, go inside and Jeff would put the groceries away. When the church started this turned into a massive effort to feed many families on Thanksgiving. The original name of Provide Hope was "Plant-A-Turkey" and the whole church would participate by grabbing meals on the Sunday before Thanksgiving and canvassing the neighborhoods for people in need.  Back in the 80's it required a dump truck to go pick up all the frozen turkeys!  The church was always feeding and watering those who needed it, even in other nations.  

Around 2004, Pastor Jeff was approached by some corporate employees of a Seattle based computer company. It seemed they could donate their giving to The Rock Church and the company would match the dollar amount. The one exception was that dollars couldn't be directed to a religious organization, but had to be a 501c3 organization. In a meeting Pastor Jeff outlined a strategy to expand The Rock Church's food and water ministry and giving by creating Provide Hope and taking the step to have The Rock Church become a 501c3.  Eventually, the matching funds were enough to scale meeting the needs of many people.  

In 2010 Provide Hope made a strategic change. Instead of just being an organization that received donations, distributing those donations through multiple other nonprofits like churches; instead, Provide Hope took on the task of gleaning food and giving it away.  This eventually led to an endorsement by Food Lifeline and the sky's the limit.  Currently, Provide Hope feeds hundreds of mouths each week in Snohomish County. For over 36 years The Rock Church has been giving away food, water, and supplies to anyone in need.  

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Provide Hope Partnership

Our Mission.

Food. Water. Hope.

It’s that simple. Our mission is to Provide Hope by Satiating Hunger and Quenching Thirst. We firmly believe that being a conduit and direct resource of Food and Water solutions provides Hope to the children, mothers, fathers, families, and elderly that we impact on a daily basis.

We believe that with each meal we give and each cup of clean drinking water we pump from a new well, we are Providing Hope. Hope is a powerful emotion, resident in each one of us, that can change the life of that one child, that one mother, that one family, that one village and our one world.