Frequently asked questions.
How can I meet people?
Jumping in and serving is a great way to get to know people and make lasting friendships. In addition, attending one of the many Connect Groups is another way to introduce yourself to a smaller group environment. For more information about all of the opportunities we have at The Rock Church, please visit the Connect Bar located in the lobby or click here for information.
How do I locate everything at The Rock Church?
Available at the Connect Bar located in the lobby is a map detailing all the different spaces throughout the church. Be sure to ask one of our awesome volunteers at the Connect Bar for a tour. They can also answer questions and provide information on special events happening at our church.
How can I join The Rock Church?
Attending Growth Track is the best opportunity to learn more about the mission and vision of our church. This is also the time when you can make a decision to become a member. However, becoming a member isn't necessary to serve or attend.
I'm divorced, is there a place for me to lead at The Rock Church?
Divorce is a tragic and horrible experience for any person who has had to experience it. Yet, those divorced are not exempt from forgiveness, grace, salvation and righteousness. A divorced person will be discipled and promoted within The Rock Church like any other individual.
Can I meet the TRC kids workers before I allow my child to be in the classroom?
Certainly, our classroom directors are available most Sundays and can be contacted through the office or email. We encourage all parents to understand the policies of TRC Kids and get to know our TRC Kids leaders as quickly as possible.
Who is teaching my children?
Each classroom is overseen by a Director. Directors are mature, experienced volunteers in The Rock Church. Each of them oversees a team focused on their particular classroom. Each leader is well trained and given security clearance to teach children at The Rock Church. TRC Kids teachers are fun, caring, and loving people who enjoy teaching children about Life and Jesus.
Why do I have to check my children into class?
We value the safety of our kids as a top priority. Check in allows us to know who is responsible for each child we are taking care of. As each of our teachers have a thorough background check and are well trained to meet many needs, check-in provides parents an added security in knowing their child will be taken care of while at church.
Why do we have guest speakers come?
There are many men and women who are gifted in areas outside of the gifting of the local body of Christ. These perspectives and insights are important to develop a well balanced diet for our church. Also, we frequently bring our missionaries in for live reports from the field in which we are sowing financially. On other occasions a guest speaker is brought in to share a personal testimony or a special insight.
We have a very qualified team of presenters at The Rock Church. On those services where Pastors Jeff or Melinda Knight are not speaking, most often one of our other communicators will be in the pulpit and we are glad we have access to such powerful leaders in our church.
Where can I go for more information about baptism?
At the Rock Church, we believe that water baptism is an outward expression of one’s inner faith and that it’s God’s plan for every believer to be baptized in water. If you have any questions or want to know more about making this public declaration of faith, feel free to visit the Connect Bar or the Water Baptism page on our website.
How do I get involved?
Information located at the Connect Bar in the lobby is available to answer all questions as they relate to getting involved. Membership is not required to be involved at The Rock Church; however, we encourage everyone to attend Growth Track where you can hear the mission and vision of TRC.
Why does the church play the Music that it does?
Our church is a generational expression. We are a church that targets a person of no faith, damaged faith, or active faith. Our desire is to have new songs blended with other familiar melodies to bring an atmosphere of worship that is fresh, exciting, new, and relatable for many people. Our music comes from around the world and is meticulously practiced by our worship team. Historically our church has not employed the old hymns until the recent resurgence of these powerful songs. Today, we are confident in a good blend of different genres and eras of music.
As someone new to the church, are there expectations of me?
Our expectation is that people would find the exact place they fit in the body of Christ. If The Rock Church is not “their church” then we want to help them find which one is. However, if God has led a person or family to TRC to make The Rock their home, then we desire for them to plug in and get connected by making themselves available to meet the pastors, other people, and be introduced to the ministries at the church. We have gone to great lengths to provide a ministry that strives to Rescue Regardless and reflects our core values. We would love for every person attending to plug in when they are ready.
Can I stay with my child for the entire class?
No. The Rock Church spends time interviewing each teacher before placing them in a TRC Kids classroom. After background checks, training, and experience helping other already experienced teachers, all our TRC Kids leaders are capable of making certain every child is well cared for. For this reason, we encourage all parents to drop their child off and experience the service in the worship center.
Am I allowed to bring my baby into the worship center?
Located to the left of the Worship Center entrance is the Infant Care Room for nursing mothers and mothers whose children are not yet ready for TRC Kids. There is a live video/audio feed so mothers can still participate in service. Yes, you are allowed to bring your new baby into the worship center, but are asked to be discreet so as not to interrupt others.
Does my teenager have to be a member of the youth ministry in order to attend?
No, our youth ministry, TRC Youth, is open to all teenagers.
What's the church's snow policy?
Based on reports of expected and current weather, a decision will be made public by 10pm the night before the service. This includes Sunday morning, Youth services, etc. Notifications will be posted on our website homepage, Facebook.
How Do I Join the Worship Team?
Interested in becoming apart of the worship team? Click here for more information